ICBMThe Interactive Comic Book Maker

Simple to use...

ICBM's visual editor makes creating comics a breeze. For many interactive comics, you won't need to write a single line of code.

...but powerfully integrated

ICBM is built in the Godot game engine, so if you do know some coding, it's a snap to extend it using ICBM's modules API, and/or integrate interactive comics in your own games.

Free & open-Source

ICBM is completely free and open source. It uses the MIT license, so you can use it for whatever you want at no cost.


You can create with ICBM on Windows, Mac, or Linux. And you can export your comics for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, web*, and more!

ICBM is currently in closed beta

Anybody can download it, but there are no tutorials to get you started, yet.

If you'd like to give it a go, please drop me an email at ben.rolfe@gmail.com or a message on mastodon @ben@peoplemaking.games - I'd love to help you try it out, and any feedback you can give would be very valuable to ICBM's ongoing development.

(Or, if you're especially brave - download it, open it in Godot, and click the button in the top right to open ICBM's editor menu and get started - most interactions in the editor itself are initiated with a right-click - but seriously, get in touch and I'll explain things better, I don't bite.)